Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:16 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
A PopCALYPSE NOW - Jigoku no Pop Shiroku
Song Author
Hidaka Tooru
File Size
85 KB
She was stand-ing on the sun-ny hill
Breath-ing ev-ery sin-gle plea-sant feel-ing
Ev-en though the world is turn-ing lone-ly eyes
She de-cid-ed tak-ing fun-ny pills
Slow-ly fall-ing in-to shal-low sleep-ing
Ev-en though the world is turn-ing lone-ly eyes
So sweet
I kill you
So sweet
I kill them all
Kill them all
So sweet
I kill you
So sweet
I kill them all
She was stand-ing on the sun-ny hill
Breath-ing ev-ery sin-gle plea-sant feel-ing
Ev-en though the world is turn-ing lone-ly eyes
Don't re-mem-ber who's the fun-ny song
Don't re-mem-ber who's the fun-ny sing-ing
Ev-en though the world is turn-ing lone-ly eyes
So sweet
I kill you
So sweet
I kill them all
Kill them all
So sweet
I kill you
So sweet
I kill them all
No one ev-er touched her chill-y feet
No one ev-er touched her shal-low sleep
So sweet
I kill you
So sweet
I kill them all
Kill them all
So sweet
I kill you
So sweet
I kill them all
Kill them all
So sweet
I kill you
So sweet
I kill them all
So sweet
So sweet